Rank and climbing aids made of stainless steel

Trellis Systems

smart climbing support for plants of all kinds

GREENCABLE Greenery system

X-TEND stainless steel cable mesh

Greenery with I-SYS stainless steel wire ropes


Plants on walls and facades can enrich the look, insulate, provide shade and collect fine dust. So that climbing plants and climbing plants can perform these tasks without damaging the masonry, you can green them thanks to modern systems such as the GREENCABLE, the X-TEND and the I-SYS from CARL STAHL ARC. Stainless steel tendrils for your house wall or garden wall can be attached to any surface (concrete, brick, ...).

Weatherproof stainless steel greenery

The metal stainless steel impresses as the basis for the greening of your private house or office building due to its absolute weather resistance. This is one reason why longtime gardening and landscaping experts use the delicate yet robust wire ropes as a climbing aid. Popular climbing and climbing plants such as clematis, wisteria or wild wine can green facades and other parts of walls and buildings.

You can give your design ideas space with the options of GREENCABLE, X-TEND and I-SYS stainless steel greening. Let your plants grow in different shapes, patterns or logos along the stainless steel climbing aid. Use the wire rope design on your wall to create a painting that will gradually fill the plants with life.

Greening and security

Use the stainless steel climbing aid from CARL STAHL ARCHITEKTUR to combine the two topics of greening and securing. In front of balconies or as railing fillings - the perfectly attached and tensioned climbing aids made of stainless steel can serve as fall protection as well as a shaping template for shaping plant growth.

As a visual extension of security measures, greening can also be used in the zoo. Many zoos use the X-TEND and the I-SYS for predatory or bird enclosures. In order to keep nature more visually present for visitors, entire buildings are often planted with wire rope climbing and climbing aids.

Greening as a creative process

Your greening options with the climbing and climbing aids from CARL STAHL ARC are extensive. Let the tendrils grow in an atrium, create a green window view for schoolchildren in urban areas or green the gray of an apartment block with climbing plants on a stainless steel climbing aid. This is how you create simply growing design spaces as well as planted and green oases of wellbeing. & Nbsp;
