Safety first
The new Schatzkiste daycare center in Eislingen is intended to prevent the increasing demand for childcare places. It offers space for a total of 65 children.
The daycare center was built in a residential area - with its significant appearance, the new daycare center stands out from the surrounding buildings and thus underlines its special role in the neighborhood. It is equipped with a high-quality, floor-to-ceiling fall protection system made of stainless steel. The almost transparent net hardly interferes with the architecture and allows the little ones to play safely.
X-TEND – Stylish safety
The net used here is an X-TEND Colours stainless steel rope net in black with a mesh size of 40 mm and a rope diameter of 1.5 mm. A 6 mm stainless steel rope serves as the edge connection, which is held in tension by a screwable turnbuckle and is guided by ring nuts. Measurement, planning, installation - all in one hand.
Floor-to-ceiling fall protection
120 m², ◊ 40 mm, ø 1,5 mm